Alphabet’s Ag Tech Spinout Mineral Shifts Focus as John Deere Acquires Technology


Earlier this year, Alphabet decided to shut down its agricultural technology robotics spinout, Mineral, in response to financial pressures and concerns over profitability in a competitive market. The company, which had been working on innovative ag tech solutions, opted to pivot away from direct operations and instead focus on licensing its technology to other firms.

This month, Mineral’s CEO, Elliott Grant, publicly addressed the reports of the company’s closure by reprinting a leaked internal memo. In his statement, Grant confirmed that farming equipment giant John Deere has acquired one of Mineral’s technology suites. This acquisition is intended to enhance John Deere’s See & Spray crop spraying solution, a precision agriculture technology designed to optimize pesticide use and reduce waste.

Grant expressed optimism about the future of sustainable agriculture despite Mineral’s operational shutdown. “The challenge of solving sustainable agriculture remains ahead of us,” he wrote. “But it’s a relay race not a sprint.” His remarks underscore the ongoing need for innovation in the agricultural sector and suggest that the transition to technology licensing could still make a significant impact in advancing sustainable farming practices.

The acquisition by John Deere marks a strategic move to integrate advanced AI and robotics capabilities into their existing agricultural equipment, aiming to provide more efficient and environmentally friendly solutions to farmers worldwide.

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