Home Featured News AI Boom Driving Up Water Consumption At Data Centers

AI Boom Driving Up Water Consumption At Data Centers

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Image Credt: Eugene Mymrin / Getty Images

The rapid growth of AI technologies is leading to an increased demand for data centers, which, in turn, is driving up water consumption, a critical resource used to cool the computing equipment inside these facilities. According to the Financial Times, Virginia, home to the world’s largest concentration of data centers, has seen water usage surge by nearly two-thirds between 2019 and 2023, rising from 1.13 billion gallons to 1.85 billion gallons.

This trend is causing concern worldwide, with many experts warning that the current levels of water consumption are unsustainable. Major data center operators like Microsoft and Google have highlighted the issue, noting the significant proportion of their water usage in areas already experiencing water stress. In 2023, Microsoft reported that 42% of its water consumption occurred in regions with water scarcity, while Google disclosed that 15% of its freshwater withdrawals were from areas facing high water scarcity.

While some data centers recycle water through closed-loop systems, the process is not entirely efficient. A significant portion of the water is used for humidity control, where it evaporates to maintain the necessary humidity levels in the air. This is particularly crucial in drier regions where non-humidified air can lead to increased static electricity, posing risks to sensitive computing equipment.

As the demand for AI and data processing continues to grow, addressing the water consumption challenge in data centers will be crucial to ensuring the sustainability of this booming industry.