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Parents Voice Concerns Over South Korea’s Plan to Introduce AI-Powered Textbooks in Classrooms

Image Credits: AlexSecret / Getty Images

As South Korea prepares to roll out AI-powered textbooks in classrooms next year, a growing number of parents are expressing concerns about the impact of this digital shift on their children’s education and well-being. The government’s ambitious plan aims to integrate tablets with AI-driven content into the learning environment, with a target of full implementation across all subjects, except music, art, physical education, and ethics, by 2028.

According to a report in The Financial Times, the government has provided limited details on how these AI textbooks will function in practice. The key feature is the customization of learning material to suit different learning speeds, with teachers using dashboards to track student progress. However, this lack of clarity, coupled with concerns about the broader implications of increased screen time, has sparked a wave of opposition among parents.

Over 50,000 parents have signed a petition urging the government to prioritize their children’s overall well-being over the adoption of new technology. The petition highlights the challenges already posed by extensive exposure to digital devices, and many parents worry that the introduction of AI-powered tablets will exacerbate these issues.

Lee Sun-youn, a mother of two, voiced her concerns to The Financial Times: “I am worried that too much usage of digital devices could negatively affect their brain development, concentration span, and ability to solve problems — they already use smartphones and tablets too much.”

As the debate continues, the South Korean government faces the challenge of balancing technological innovation with the health and development of its students. The outcome of this initiative could have significant implications for the future of education in South Korea and beyond.



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